Sunday, October 23, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ethan's 1st Birthday party!

As you can see Ethan's First birthday was a great one. Melissa and Leif always host great parties!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sophia and Avery at the water park

4th of July, 2011!

What a great night for fireworks! After returning from a 3 day weekend at the Glynn cabin, we stayed up late for the 10:30 City firework show. Sophia was tired, but excited, and the city show was amazing!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pinky and The Floyd concert at the library

Sophia had a fantastic time dancing to the music.

A hike to Flathead Pass Trail near Fairy Lake, August 2011

A fantastic day hike with new friends, Megan, Michael, and 4 week old, Nia. Sophia had a great time building fairy houses and we enjoyed the beautiful views of the Bridgers! The wildflowers were amazing too.

On the trail, having lunch, and building fairy houses